YADA Magazine is dedicated to fighting misinformation on human rights issues in Africa
The primary goal of YADA Magazine is to raise awareness, educate, and promote collective consciousness
regarding human rights in Africa. We aspire to be a reliable and credible voice that combats the spread
of false information and stereotypes that can harm individuals and communities. 18 journalists from 18
African countries publish monthly articles in YADA Magazine on human rights issues and social issues that
may affect them.
The Power of Information: In a world where information can spread rapidly, it is crucial to verify and
corroborate facts before accepting them as truth. YADA Magazine strives to gather verified information
and data from reliable sources to provide our readers with a balanced and accurate perspective on human
rights issues in Africa.
The YADA Network (Young African Defenders in Action) is a pan-African youth network that Connect young human rights defenders across Africa for their Capacity-building on a range of issues
Read MoreThe Activist Lab is a network made up of 9 organisationS (Actua.PE, the African Human Rights Network, Justice & Peace Netherlands, MAAN, Oxfam Novib, Oxfam Novib Activist Lab, Oxfam Peru, Pax, and World of Tolerance)
Read MoreThe African Climate Activists Network (ACAN) is a dynamic initiative of the AHRN Foundation, aiming to unite and empower young activists working to combat climate change and preserve the environment across Africa
Read MoreAfricanActivists.com stands as a robust and dynamic social media platform explicitly tailored for Human Rights defenders. Committed to amplifying the voices of those advocating for justice and equality
Read MoreThe Young Feminists Network stands out as a vibrant online network specifically designed to empower and connect individuals and organizations who passionately champion gender equality and women's rights.
Read MoreYADA Magazine is a pan-African media for human rights defenders dedicated to fighting misinformation on human rights issues in Africa. We aspire to be a reliable voice that combats the spread of false information
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