We offer digital security training for human rights defenders with beginner, intermediate, or advanced ICT.
We also offer assessments to individuals and digital security health check-ups on organizations.
Mobile phones, computers and the Internet are the main means by which human rights defenders (HRDs) communicate and
coordinate their work as well as collect and store sensitive data. Unfortunately, they are also the most common means by
which governments and corporations restrict, manipulate and monitor the activity of human rights defenders.
As surveillance and censorship increase, the insecurity of digitally stored and/or digitally transmitted information
is a major problem for HRDs in many countries. AHRN created its Digital Security Training Program to meet the needs of
HRDs facing such threats.
Most of participants at AHRN shelters come from French speaking countries. They are therefore eager to
learn English to be able to write and share human rights concerns with a big number of HRDs. English also
allows them to attend some international meetings and conferences mostly hold in this language.
At the end of the training, we provide them English proficiency certificate A2.
Human Rights Basics and Drafting Human Rights Projects.
A big percentage of HRDs in the region did not study human rights or do not have basic notions of human rights.
Only widespread human rights violations have inspired them to take initiatives to restore peace and conduct activities
aimed at improving respect of human rights. AHRN provides them with an opportunity to learn more on human rights and
provides them with essential skills in drafting projects, building networks and establishing partnerships when
implementing their projects.